King Śibi in the Vahnipurāṇa

A critical edition & translation of the śiber upākhyāna

Charles Li

This digital edition of the Vahnipurāṇa śiber upākhyāna is the suppelementary material to the article King Śibi in the Vahnipurāṇa, published in Asian Literature and Translation 10(1) (doi:10.18573/alt.58). Apart from the critical text, diplomatic transcriptions of each witness are also included, linked to images of the source material where available.

This work is archived by Zenodo:

Li, Charles. 2023. Supplementary material to King Śibi in the Vahnipurāṇa. doi:10.5281/zenodo.7446515

Critical text with apparatus, ed. Li 2023

Witnesses used in the edition

Vahnipurāṇa, and quotations thereof

VpBhVahnipurāṇa (ed. Bhowmik 2012, 530–537)
VpBh-Amanuscript A (B, C, D) variants from apparatus
VpNNepalese manuscript (BnF Sanscrit 1442.2)
VpNacante correctionem
VpNpcpost correctionem
VpCcCaturvargacintāmaṇi (ed. Śiromaṇi 1871, 948–949)
VpŚ, VpŚ2Śabdakalpadruma, quoting the śiber upākhyāna chapter (Rādhākāntadeva)VpŚ2 is only used to indicate readings in the 1886 edition that differ from the older edition.
duḥkhī (1857, 962; 1886, pt. 2, 723)
‘śiviḥ (1848, 5393–5395; 1886, pt. 5, 105–106)
‘siddhiḥ (1848, 6151; 1886, pt. 5, 351)
VpŚ(d)Śabdakalpadruma, quoting the dānāvasthānirṇaya chapterThis is not found in the Bhowmik edition.
śaraṇāgataḥ (1848, 5155; 1886, pt. 5, 28)
sādhuḥ (1848, 6081; 1886, pt. 5, 329)
VpVVācaspatya (Tarkavachaspati 1962, 5279)
VpVpVidhānapārijāta (ed. Śāstrī 1951, vol. 3, 423)
Mahābhārata, and quotations thereofQuotations attributed to the Mahābhārata may not appear in any edition of the Mahābhārata itself.
MbhCMahābhārata critical edition (ed. Sukthankar et al. 1942–1966)
Āraṇyakaparvan (vol. 3, 427)
MbhC+Āraṇyakaparvan verses found only in the apparatus
Śāntiparvan (vol. 13, 95–96; vol. 15, 957)
Anuśāsanaparvan (vol. 17, 855, 1014)
MbhSMahābhārata southern recension (ed. Śāstrī 1933–1936)
Āraṇyakaparvan (vol. 4, 651–653)
Śāntiparvan (vol. 14, 905)
MbhAAparārka (ed. Āpaṭe 1903, 375)
MbhBhBhagavantabhāskara — Dānamayūkha (ed. Bhaṭṭa 1909, 250)
MbhCcCaturvargacintāmaṇi (ed. Śiromaṇi 1871, 947)
MbhDDānasāgara (ed. Bhattacarya 1956, 562)
MbhD-Awitness A (or IO) variants from apparatus
MbhKKṛtyakalpataru — Dānakāṇḍa (ed. Brick 2009, 490)
MbhK-Jwitness J (Ai, C1, etc.) variants from apparatus
MbhSmSmṛticandrikā (ed. Srinivasacharya 1914, 17)Quotation is attributed to Vyāsa.
MbhVpVidhānapārijāta (ed. Śāstrī 1951, vol. 3, 423)
Nandipurāṇa quotationsSee Hazra 1954, 108ff. on a certain Nāndīpurāṇa and its relation to the Vahnipurāṇa.
NpAAparārka (ed. Āpaṭe 1903, 375)
NpCcCaturvargacintāmaṇi (ed. Śiromaṇi 1871, 946)
NpDDānasāgara (ed. Bhattacarya 1956, 563)
NpKKṛtyakalpataru — Dānakāṇḍa (ed. Brick 2009, 490)
NpK-Aiwitness Ai (C1, J, etc.) variants from apparatus
Vikramacarita, editions and quotations thereof
VcEVikramacarita (ed. Edgerton 1926, 101–102, 115)
VcVDvātriṃśatputtalikāsiṃhāsana (ed. Vidyāsāgara 1936, 118–121, 130–131)
VcKSaṃskṛtakusumāñjali, abbreviation of story 11 (Śāstrī 1958, 159)The same abbreviated story can be found in the Saṃskṛtamuktāvalī (Candra 1986, 36–37).
HpCHitopadeśa (ed. Church Mission Press 1847, 11)
HpJHitopadeśa (ed. Johnson 1840, 19)
HpKHitopadeśa (ed. Kale 1886, 14)
HpK-ivariant reading in footnote
other parallels
KvKaruṇāvajrāyudha (ed. Caturavijaya 1916, 23, 38)
LpLiṅgapurāṇa (ed. Bhaṭṭācārya 1885, 418)
NmpNāradīyamahāpurāṇa (ed. Kṛṣṇadāsa 1867, 24v)
ŚpŚārṅgadharapaddhati (ed. Peterson 1888, 231)
ŚpśŚatapañcāśatka (ed. Shackleton Bailey 1951, 42, 46, 54, 77, 81, 125)
Śpś-Awitness A (B, D, etc.) variants from apparatus